Dear coach and consultant,

Disclosure: All testimonials anywhere on this site or related site/materials should be taken with a grain of salt. Your results will not be the same. Results aren't typical. These are exceptional clients and with Client’s full approval, I polished testimonials clients submitted to me to be more clear, expanded on important information they might have missed like specific dollar amounts they earned instead of just the vaguer 6-figures or 7-figures, and included their process of payment, and more details of their personal story they told me, and formatted in a more impactful way to best help you, because they aren’t professional writers. This is the caseor all text and video testimonials. Clients are coached to be as transparent, specific, detail rich as possible and follow a helpful format to present it within so it’s easier grasped by you. As a result, the testimonials are longer than normal submissions, and some of it may appear formulaic, repetitive, or scripted and cover the same points in many testimonials. That’s because I wanted all of these details clients did included to best help you, give you a full picture, and commonalities. The original meaning of the testimonials are the exact same and all clients who are coaches and consultants just like you have all approved of these more detail rich testimonials. When they forgot to put more meaningful specific details about their experience and process like how they paid, their story, or meaningful specifics like exactly what they received in terms of profits and ROI, with their consent, I included it as its 100% accurate and more helpful to you, and gives you more detailed specifics and self-disclosures. So please appreciate this effort to better serve you. I believe this kind of transparency, specificity, and relevance will better serve you. Based on what clients told me, I submitted revisions including these details and following a helpful format I find most clients appreciate, for their approval, and accuracy, and they all approved as fully accurate. As a result, please accept the style as well because out of thousands of tests these kind of specific and detail rich testimonials get best results for clients too. So with full disclosure these were approved and 100% accurate representation of the clients results, experience, and process. Also, with verified records of all, client’s names have been slightly modified to respect their privacy, and protect them from an onslaught of random questions from unverified people or competitors. Slightly modified surnames have been used instead of just “James L” or “JL”, for example, because I feel it gives you a better feel to have a similar name to their full name there, while keeping their full privacy until you are verified. Once you are approved to work together, you’ll get full access to client details and you’ll be able to reach out to them and connect and ask any questions you want. Enjoy.

I know these success stories from other coaches and consultants can seem hard to believe. Because they seem so different than what most coaches without my help have been able to achieve yet. I must tell you, I have modified the format on these slightly to condense them so I can fit more into book format without taking up excessive space. But I assure you, NOT ONE is made up, NOT ONE is fake, NOT ONE has been even slightly modified from the original wording submission.

I would never be dishonest with you. Honesty is my policy. And I run my business not as a transactional business, but a long-term relationship business.

I care deeply about you and each coach and consultant I help get these kind of results. I care about you and see my business as a lifelong relationship business. A community of coaches and consultants I help. And a MOVEMENT of coaches and consultants escaping modern day slavery and owning 6-7 figure automated businesses that give you total lifestyle freedom.

I don’t have to work anymore. I could have retired many years ago and have made multi-millions as a coach and consultant and have many millions saved up and invested giving me back great returns. Not to mention I have multiple memberships going that make me multiple 7-figures using the same system I use to help you achieve total financial freedom and lifestyle freedom in 8-weeks.

Please know with certainty all these testimonials are the honest, no BS truth. I of course could not verify all of them nor do I verify all testimonials I get, but I trust they are honest as I know the results I produce for clients and work with clients one-on-one.

I consider you like family. Truly. Put aside any doubt if these results sound larger than life. Because they are real. I would like you to join their ranks and in doing so, join this movement I created and championed for coaches and consultants to escape modern day slavery with the system I’ve created just for you to do so.

It’s no secret, I’ve been helping coaches and consultants like you for 15 years create an automated part of their business that makes them 6-7 figures or more per year, even if they don’t work another day of their lives.

Enjoy some of these hand selected success stories. There are many many more, but these I think have a wow factor that I like the best and can show you what to expect:

“I was working 40+ hours per week. Sometimes 60+ hours per week as a coach and consultant. I was never getting ahead, and have a stack of unpaid bills and debt. And this was after working as a coach and consultant for 30 years, full time. Because of a downturn in the economy sales were down and I only made $92,384 the year before. I was relying on mostly word-of-mouth and referrals from old clients for a long time but many of them were retired now and business wasn’t steady. I wanted a way out of this whole big mess. I wanted to retire. I wanted to enjoy life more. I still enjoyed helping people and making a positive impact, but I wanted to enjoy life more and make a greater contribution too. I couldn’t solve my problem because my systems, understanding, and marketing know-how wasn’t up-to-date. I wasn’t a tech guy. I’m not a marketing wizard. I ran a 6-figure coaching business for years, but that doesn’t make me on the level of genius! It was just a lot of hard work and persistence. So I was in a rut and wanted out of the 9-5 rate race or being a slave to my own coaching business. I just didn’t know how before I hired Andrew Sonctranm. He solved everything for me very quickly. I felt like I was sinking in quick sand before getting Andrew’s help. And he came and got me out of it. What a relief. I hired Andrew Sonctranm at quite a large investment fee by sending it via bankwire transfer. That’s the most common form of payment method globally when investment is higher. Trillions of dollars are safely sent every day via bankwire transfer around the world for professional services, coaches, consulting, marketing and more. And once I sent, I got a confirmation and we started the process of getting me freedom from the rat-hole I dug myself into over my whole coaching and consulting career so far. He set up a part of my business that was automated… membership and continuity based, so it would take smaller payments for monthly membership at $97-$297 per month. I didn’t even know I could package my value this way so easily and people would really pay for it and stay members for years and years, but it’s true. I made 746 members in the first 8-weeks at $197 each. That made me exactly $146,962. Life changing. And I didn’t need to do any manual labor or work with them at all. I could literally take a vacation now… something I haven’t done in years! J Month after month I averaged $73,481 per month. So a small amount of members and monthly fee adds up to a lot! I know I couldn’t have ever done this without Andrew Sonctranm. A lot of people try to build a membership but don’t succeed because they don’t have Andrew’s genius and expert help. I now travel most of the year, and though I’m from the UK, I live in Hawaii overlooking the beach during winter, and New Zealand. I take up new hobbies and my wife is very happy with me to say the least. We’re enjoying life the way it always should have been now. I recommend Andrew Sonctranm to ANY coach or consultant in the world who wants similar results. I feel touched by lady luck with being so fortunate to hire Andrew. You will too.”

- Gregory Wallace, Coach and Consultant

“"Hello, I'm Laura Williamson. I never give testimonials out but for Andrew Sonctranm I've made an exception. Because at the time of this testimonial, I've worked as a coach and consultant for 15 years, and my best year I made only $102,495. That was before hiring Andrew Sunstrum. Within the first 8-weeks of working with Andrew and him helping me with a campaign, I received $103,793 the first 8-weeks. Beating my best year ever. That year I made $725,821. That was 3 years ago and it keeps getting better. Because Andrew build me a recurring passive membership business in my coaching and consulting practice that now makes me this much money even if I do no coaching or consulting at all. Saying the membership part of my practice Andrew helped me create changed my life, is an understatement. I've escaped the modern day slavery trap because of Andrew's help. And I enjoy a lifestyle of total freedom. I do take on some high ticket clients every once in awhile but its only because I want to. Not because I must. And because of my membership business that has set me free, I also have a large line up of members waiting in line to give me very high ticket fees whenever I want. But I made enough money with Andrew's system so rarely do so. I enjoy the freedom more. Plus, I know I'm having a large positive impact just automatically now. And I know that might sound hard to believe 'automatic' and just big numbers as I've made, but it's real. And it's completely normal and standard working with Andrew. He proved to me first hand how easy with his help it is to make 500-1,000 members for most any coach or consultant selling at $97-$297 per month membership access. It builds up fast and makes you free for life because with his methods your members stay around for life. Also, automatic is 'real'. Its a good thing. Even if you think it's impossible, I encourage you to talk to Andrew and see how it might be easily possible for you. I opened my mind when I talked to him and I saw the light. And using the smarter updated systems and technology, you actually can automate your business, or create a part of your business that truly is fully automated like Andrew does. I can talk on and on about how great Andrew is and my experience with him was and is. But to keep this short, I hired him and paid his fairly large investment over standard and regular bankwire transfer, and started working with him right away. 8-weeks later, I received these results and he's been the secret to my success and mentor and coach ever since. If your are lucky enough to work with him, you'll be very happy too. And if you are a coach or consultant, I can bet my whole business and everything in my bank account you'll be greatly successful and enjoy great income and lifestyle freedom too if your lucky enough to hire him too. He's the best in the world at it. Plus, I know he's honest, trustworthy, and caring. I can go on and on about what I like so will stop it here. Hope my good experience helps you made a wise decision :)"

- Laura Williamson, Coach and Consultant

“Man, I never thought I could automate my business. But Andrew build me a part of my business that is totally independent and automated. It made me $41,585 last month, and this has been the average monthly recurring income from it since for the last year. This has given me a level of success and freedom I only dreamt of before but has become common and normal to me now. Thanks Andrew!”

- Tommy Harris, Life Coach


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