Andrew: In this interview we’re going to talk to Client Dr. John Armstrong who is a professional certified coach, consultant, Author, speaker, psychologist, NLP certified coach, and spiritual coach and how he went from being a modern day slave working 120 hours per week, making 20k per month max, to working just 3 hours Per Year, and last month receiving $242,000!
Andrew: Welcome Dr. Armstrong. How are you?
John: I’m very well Andrew. Thanks. And you?
Andrew: I’m good too John. I’m glad to have you on this interview so you can share your experience with other coaches and consultants who are now in the modern day slavery trap, and share with them what you did to get out, and how your transition was… if it was easy or challenging… and what you suggest other coaches do to escape the same modern day slavery trap.
John: Certainly Andrew. Well, you would know more than anyone else. I consider you my mentor, coach and savior if you will allo…(cuts off)
Andrew: Thank you so much John for those kind words. I appreciate it. But you were the one to take the first step and reach out and work together.
John: Yes, that’s true. But without you, I’d not be here. So, where should we begin?
Andrew: Let’s start with you telling a little bit about how you found me and what your life was currently like then. Including your coaching business… profits, sales, and just what your day-to-day looked like back then.
John: Sure. Well… it started out that I was a coach and consultant grinding away for decades. My income capped out against an invisible ceiling at about $250,000 per year. I was working 120 or more hours per week to achieve this. But I could never beat it.
Also, like I just said, I was working at least 120 hours per week. I would say I definitely fit the category of what you call a modern day slave. Though I was enjoying my work as I did what I loved, I still was trapped trading hours-for-dollars, and never able to just take off and enjoy traveling for 3 years and still have money coming in.
Anyway, I was working like this for decades. I raised 3 children and lived in a decent area of town.
But after decades of doing this, I thought to myself, ‘Is that all there is? Is this life? Just work a grind and then you die?’
I became discontent the way things seemed to ‘work’ but didn’t know how to change anything.
One morning at 7:15am I received an email from you.
I remember main premise was about you being a multi-millionaire coach and consultant and have helped countless other coaches and consultants escape this modern day slavery trap.
I was intrigued so clicked the link in the email to get a free gift you were giving away.
It was educational materials and training about your system you have about taking coaches and consultants out of the slavery trap within 8-weeks.
Basically, you detailed the whole process and talked about how and why coaches and consultants can automate their value, and have a robust monthly membership that does this for them.
In the content you share how to do this and the common mistakes and errors that will destroy any chance of success doing it.
It was then that my eyes where opened and I just ‘got-it’. The lightbulb went on and I just knew this was it!
So I read all the materials and then filled out a form for a complementary strategy session with you, where you give a complete customized 6-7 figure escape modern day slavery roadmap customized to my situation.
That was the decision that changed my life.
Truth is, I was sold on you and wanted to hire you before talking to you.
Andrew: That’s great John. What a intro story.
John: Yeah, well I guess the rest is as they say ‘history’.
I hired you by sending your large fee. You weren’t cheap you know?
Andrew: I know. I’m quite expensive. That’s for good reason though.
John: Yes, what you said was true. Those who invest a higher fee actually take everything much more seriously and it qualifies the best, most motivated, most happy clients.
I even had to raise the money to pay it. But doing so, and investing, I felt a zeal and energy that I hadn’t before. If anything to make sure it worked.
Andrew: Yes, that is what I want to have happen. Somehow when people action faith with investing a larger sum, the universe conspires to help them. I don’t know how to describe it, but after helping other coaches and consultants for so long and seeing the difference, its company policy.
John: Yes, it’s like its actually to the benefit of the Client. For sure.
Andrew: True. It is to their benefit more than anyone else.
John: Well I’m glad I did it and I remember going to my bank to bankwire transfer you the money because my banks online system had trouble sending it from online.
Andrew: So let’s talk about what your average sale was back then?
John: Oh, I charged packages and hourly. Hourly about $250 per hour.
Andrew: And was business stable all the time or did you worry where your next client was coming from?
John: Sometimes it was consistent, but that wouldn’t last long. I had many periods of yo-yo style income. Up, down, up, down, up, down.
Andrew: How did you deal with that problem?
John: I didn’t! It sucked to be honest.
Andrew: Yes, yo-yo style income causes a lot of stress.
John: I didn’t escape that problem until I hired you.
Andrew: Yes, the beauty of my system and membership launch is you have consistent high income for life because it’s monthly and members stay around for at least 10 years and refer 3-5 more.
John: You know, I wouldn’t have been able to believe it unless I just jumped in and experienced it for myself.
Andrew: That’s often the case. Doubt can hold people back from their dream life.
John: A little nagging voice or feeling that seems to keep us stuck huh?
Andrew: Yes, but you used hypnosis on yourself if I recall you saying?
John: Yes, I’m a bit lucky because I’m a certified hypnotherapist and I understand this stuff. When I observed the doubts telling me negative thoughts and feelings, I decided to fight back and do hypnosis on myself by just choosing to ‘act as if’ I was fully certain this would work and confident.
Andrew: That’s hypnosis?
John: Oh yes, it is what successful business people and sports people learn to do. It really can help a lot. One doesn’t need to actually see a therapist that might actually do more harm than good. Just act confident, feel confident, and don’t let the habitual doubt control you. That’s what it’s about, in this case.
Andrew: I see. Makes sense.
So tell us what your initial goals were when we worked together?
John: Yes. I just wanted to be able to stop working and make 20k per month still, so I had no loss of income, but gained freedom.
Andrew: Andrew how did we fare?
John: Oh god. We’ve well beat that didn’t we!?
Andrew: Yes, we have. Would you like to give the listeners the details?
John: Sure. Last month, I worked zero hours. None. And I made $242,000! The system you helped me build literally works and runs automatically, builds more members organically through existing members, and delivers my value automatically.
Andrew… I’d have never believed this was possible.
My life is so free now. Its projected I’ll only need to actually work 3 hours this year. And that’s just fulfilling on a little Q&A to members in a group forum for 30 mins and uploading a little value content that takes me almost no time at all.
Andrew: Wonderful John. I’m so happy for your results, success, and lifestyle freedom. It’s the same for many coaches and consultants I help build and launch this within 8-weeks.
John: I know that’s true. I liked meeting some of the others at your event you held in Los Angeles, California last year.
Andrew: Yes, that was fun.
John: I found many of the others had a similar story that I did.
Andrew: Yeah, I know a lot of them do.
John: Why don’t you do another one of those events? The food and drinks and entertainment was great.
Andrew: I might. I’m just busy living free and enjoying life too. But in the future sometime, I’ll get everyone together again to just have a meet up and celebrate. Don’t know when yet though.
John: Right on.
Andrew: So John, what were your biggest barriers to success before I helped you?
John: Doing everything wrong for so long! Being an old-dog who couldn’t learn new tricks, nor was good in technology.
Also, I lacked the expertise to really create a successful launch campaign for the membership, launch it, and manage it to success over 8-weeks. There’s no way I could have done that myself.
Andrew: I see. So it was a lack of having an expert like me to really help you do it all and make sure it’s a success.
John: Exactly.
Andrew: What has been the payout from working together?
John: Well, I already touched on it with my income going from 20k max per month to last month making $242,000 automatically. Also, my freedom from working 120+ hours to make 20k to now only needing to work 3 hours per year.
I bought a house in Hawaii, as well, I know another one of your clients James who also bought a home in Hawaii on another island though.
I travel a lot more.
I enjoy waking up whenever I want, wherever I want, doing whatever I want, with whoever I want. The definition of success which is great income growth to enjoy any quality life I want, and total lifestyle freedom.
I’m actually enjoying my retirement years unlike so many others who are broke or slaving away into retirement.
I’d be doing the same if I didn’t work with you Andrew.
Andrew: For sure John.
What do you suggest any other coaches or consultants do to get your results, who might be listening to this interview?
John: Hire Andrew. Stop everything you are doing right now and hire Andrew. It doesn’t matter if you are bogged down, busy, or have other obligations. Just stop. Prioritize working with Andrew above all else and getting his help, he’ll change everything for you.
Andrew: Nice John. I’m grateful for your kind words again and for being willing to do this interview.
John: You are more than welcome Andrew.
Andrew: Thanks John. Talk later friend.
John: Thank you. Talk soon.
That’s it for this interview where I interviewed my client Dr. John Armstrong about his experience working together. What it was like before he hired me and after. The process he took to escape modern day slavery and more. I hope this interview inspires you to make a automated business out of your coaching or consulting practice. With my help, you can escape the modern day slavery trap fast. Simply watch the webinar or download your complementary escape modern day slavery guide on this site to learn more details and the 5-steps you need to take to make this happen now.
Can You Automate Your Coaching Business To 6-7 Or More Per Year In 8-Weeks?
“World Renown Expert In 6-7 Figure Automated Coaching And Consulting Business Creation”
20 years ago, I was working 60+ hours per week in my coaching and consulting business and making good money.
However, it was painful to be working my life away when others got to enjoy life more on their terms, traveling, going to the beach, and enjoying life.
I wanted out of the rat-race, but I didn’t know how.
I was just fresh out of a meeting where I was meeting with 5 executives at a large company and walked away with a multi-million dollar contract.
As I walked out of the building and into the parking lot in my 3-piece-suit, with vest, snakeskin boots and all, I hopped into my big red truck and threw off my dress clothes and put on my shorts and sandals.
I hated the 9-5 style rat-race. The dressing up in a hot stuffy suit during the warm California summers.
I wanted out.
Depressed and frustrated…
…it was then that a smiling, happy young mid 20’s couple walked past me holding hands in shorts and sandals and enjoying life. Meanwhile, I felt miserable.
It was then that my turning point happened. I thought to myself ‘What if I can make just as much money, or more, and be totally lifestyle free?’…
…I wanted to be free enough to be on the beach in Hawaii (while I lived there for years later on), and even be on a little remote island with no internet, never talk to a client, and never go to a meeting again and still make just as much money if not a lot more.
I decided right then and there, life is too short to carry on like this. I dedicated to figuring it out against all odds right then and there.
This took me on a 3 years full time journey of mastering marketing front and back, reading over 1,000 books on marketing and business. In addition, to spending over $200,000 attending training events, learning computer systems, even two day weekend events that cost $7,500 to live with multi-millionaire internet marketers and learn from them.
I invested heavily into myself, but still came up short.
Nothing anyone taught pieced it all together for coaches and consultants the way I wanted.
And believe me, I attended to training and paid for personal coaching from the top coaches and consultants in the world on business building for coaches and consultants,, I grew frustrated I couldn’t even get to where I wanted.
Then I had a turning point.
In a flash of insight and inspiration, I decided that continuity and membership was the way to go as it gives an automated business model, passive recurring money, and when done right 6-7 figures with total lifestyle freedom.
The problem was, all the membership and continuity programs out there were half-baked at best.
The didn’t work for coaches and consultants and only for a certain type of business that was too narrow and didn’t actually have the ability to make 6-7 figures easily. Plus, they didn’t teach effective means to get people to stay around for life and refer more people.
There were so many leaking holes in the ship. If you tried to start a membership or continuity business with their trainings, your ship would sink and your dreams drowned.
I was thinking to myself.
What if I just create my own system that uses the best things I learned, combines good parts for the positives, and eliminates the negatives. Then uses my own experience as a coach or consultant to make it work for coaches and consultants like me.
After all, that’s all I wanted.
So I spent the next 3 months locked up in my home brainstorming, trying, testing, tweaking the methods, strategies, tactics that might work to achieve my vision.
Finally, I had a huge win.
I launched a membership for my coaching and consulting business and made $172,371 the first 8-weeks.
I was happy. But I wasn’t sure if it was repeatable each month and so through trial-and-error and a lot of creative juices, I discovered the loyalty and automatic systems that keep people happy and automated my value delivery 100%. This meant, my business could grow even if I shut down shop and do no more marketing or anything.
I was almost about to live my dreams, but I didn’t realize how great it would really be.
I’ve traveled the world full time staying in the most luxurious hotels, resorts, and spas around the world. Done everything I could have imagined I wanted to do regarding travel. I now live quite a unique lifestyle spending time throughout the year at my favorite places in the world.
Total lifestyle freedom with having 6-7 figures or more per year is just a normal part of my lifestyle now.
No longer do I experience frustration, depression, and the 9-5 rat race. I even vaguely remember what it’s all like and how painful it was to endure.
I’ve used my proven model, systems, and modern day technology opportunities in the framework of my proven system to build hundreds of these same 6-7 figure or more per year automated businesses for coaches and consultants all around the world.
Here’s how I did it… the 4 main phases of the system I created:
1) Research and data phase
2) Material creation phase
3) Optimization phase
4) Rollout phase
To get into a bit more details on each of the 4 vital phases:
Phase 1: Research phase.
This is where all the data is collected on your niche, market, offering, opportunities, clients hot buttons, best niches to target, best value propositions, and the best thing you should be offering in an online monthly membership long-term.
This is broken down to be the simplest, sustainable, and easy possible. Many coaches and consultants think this is the hard part, but it’s easy actually.
And much more data.
From this rich research data, we’ll know how to best move forward for you into phase 2.
Phase 2: Material creation phase.
This is the phase where your materials should be created based on the rich database and strategic direction taken from it.
All strategic decisions should be based on data.
And from there, all communications, branding, tools, tactics, action plans etc…
…the key is fitting this into the proven framework and system I’ve developed for coaches and consultants that has been proven, tried-tested-and refined in the fire, battle tested to win again-and-again for you.
From fitting the research and strategic unique communication developed for you from this, into the unique and only proven system in the world for coaches and consultants that I created, you are on the sure-fire path of great results.
Basically, we take the proven Jet airplane but paint it with your name on it so it’s unique to you and all your members.
Phase 3: Optimization phase.
Here is where your system now needs to be tested. From the research data usually a few niches will be uncovered along with all their relevant and unique data.
Since the materials are all created and fit into the system, we can now test them all by doing an optimization campaign. A short, little online campaign to quickly test and see the results.
Based on which one performed the best… is the winning race-horse, we pick that to base your launch campaign on for the next 8-weeks.
We now know with pin-point accuracy where your sales are, conversions are, performance metrics, and what opportunity in messaging the market most responds to.
We also know you are going to have a huge success 500-1,000 members within 8-weeks at the $97-$297 monthly membership per month price range.
We now know, that with no loss at all, no advertising loss, just pure profits on all acquisition of members, you will have a huge success with zero risk at all moving forward in your campaign that is managed day-by-day to ensure its success and same results throughout the full campaign.
This is called scientific advertising.
Trackable, traceable, accountable marketing that gets you winning results. Are you starting to see the light? Good.
This is how effective professional campaigns work.
Phase 4: Rollout Campaign
This is where it’s all said-and-done over an 8-week launch period.
The goal, when all the research, material creation, and testing has been optimized should be to get you at least 500-1,000 members for your online membership business in your coaching or consulting practice.
It should have all been established and proven during the testing and optimization phase.
With absolute certainty the campaign should be able to be rolled out with expectant result.
Once the campaign runs its course, the benchmark of success is the 500-1,000 or more members acquired.
Remember, this small amount of members at the lowest-end of the average customer members and lowest-end of the price range at 500 members at $97 each is $48,500 per month, month-after-month for all the future months. $582,000 per year, year-after-year.
Automatically. Recurring. Passive income.
This isn’t a pipedream. This is real, actionable, provable, realistic, achievable, profitable, honest, transparent, powerful, effective, scientific, trackable, reliable, accountable marketing campaigns that work for coaches and consultants when used with my system developed specifically for you, the coach or consultant.
Once this is done with my system, you can have a large membership following of 500 – 1,000 or more members all paying from $97 - $297 per month for automatically delivered value and membership and community advantages.
These members stay around for life and refer 3-5 new paying members each over time.
You can get the same exact results when you do the same. But you must use the correct system and avoid the all too common deadly mistakes 99% of coaches and consultants make when creating a membership or continuity program.
Dangerous mistakes to avoid:
1) DIY - Doing it yourself without a proven experts help. That’s like trying to perform heart-surgery on yourself after reading a training manual on how to perform heart surgery – it will just make a big mess. This is the deadliest mistake.
2) Trying to reinvent the wheel (I spent years and years inventing the only proven system. If the wheel is already created, you just need to use it right? Yes. And remember that pioneers come back with arrows in their backs).
3) Not reaching out for professional help for your specific market. You don’t need a general solution. It won’t work well and it will cause more frustration than not. You need to have a specialist solution for only coaches and consultants.
4) Not being willing to invest in the best. This is self-explanatory. You need what you pay for.
5) Not believing it’s possible for you too. No matter your coaching or consulting niche, service, value offering. This will work for you. Your business is no different.
6) Don’t do slow. You should be able to have a 6-7 figure membership business in 8-weeks. If you try to go slow, you’ll never pick up momentum and achieve the level of a self-sustaining business that grows organically and has ‘lifestyle freedom’ 6-7 profits coming in. Going slow is just discouraging, and especially if you don’t have the right strategies, methods, and tactics all in place customized for your unique situation.
Make sure you heed these warnings and also advice and you’ll be well on your way to taking the right action ad avoiding the common deadly mistakes that will kill your chance of success.
This result matters because it will set you free! It will set you free from the common modern day slavery trap many coaches and consultants unwittingly fall into and sometimes unfortunately, painfully, frustratingly stay in for decades slaving away.
It matters because now you can be free to live this one life the way you truly deserve – with total abundance, freedom, and great income. Plus, you’ll be making a larger positive impact automatically on your market.
This matters because there isn’t anything you can do in your coaching or consulting practice that will give you more freedom, income, and joy that having your automated 6-7 figure business up and running.
You should prioritize this above every other idea, goal, or thing you might have considered before.
Just put everything off for this. It’s that important and will truly be the 80/20 rule for you.
That means, this is the 20% to focus on that will get you the 80% of your success, freedom, and results.
I promise you, when coaches or consultants stop right away, and prioritize getting this membership business up right away with me, they stop chasing the next ‘shiny-object’ like linked-in leads, facebook, youtube, google ads, networking, public speaking etc…
Instead, you prioritize the 1 thing that matters most and frees you from information overload, spinning your wheels, and zapping your time, money and freedom.
Prioritizing this as your #1 goal now will change everything for you. I urge you to reorder your priority list and make this your number one priority until it’s done. You’ll thank me, and thank yourself later.
When you do. I predict 1-Big-Transformation coming your way VERY soon:
I predict you’ll have a 6-7 or more automated coaching business that gives you total lifestyle freedom for life.
If not, send me this article.
Show me you did what I said. You got a real experts help like the one I offer coaches and consultants. And if you say you aren’t thrilled and making 6-7 figures with total lifestyle freedom, I’ll give you a blank check with my name on it.
Andrew Sonctranm is the world renown expert on 6-7 figure automated coaching and consulting business creation. Creator of the ‘Escape Modern Day Slavery’ system for coaches and consultants. You can get a gift of the full system and FREE complete customized 6-7 figure automated coaching or consulting business roadmap totally customized to your unique business, situation, or idea here:
Do you own a ‘real’ coaching or consulting business or a job?
“World Renown Expert In 6-7 Figure Automated Coaching And Consulting Business Creation”
Dear future lifestyle free coach or consultant,
I’m a multi-millionaire coach and consultant and have been receiving high 6-7 figures and more per year in my automated membership niches for over 17 years, at the time of this writing.
I’ve been able to travel the world all year in style for over 10 years, fulfilling a lifelong dream, buy dream cars, and own 5 private large luxury homes throughout the world in places I love, I paid in full for.
That’s all nice, but it’s the total and complete lifestyle freedom I treasure the most.
I wake up when I want, where I want, and do whatever I want, how I want, where I want, with who I want every single day of my life.
And when I travel and stay at amazing places throughout the world, I’m not talking about staying at budget hotels and locations. I’m talking about staying in the best-of-the-best locations everywhere I go.
This enhances your experience wherever you go and makes travel even better.
It is normal for me to never look at the prices of places I stay, nor the price of the foods I order at fancy restaurants. I don’t check the price of the suits, cars, or watches I buy. I just see it, and buy it. I don’t even realize I do this unless someone I’m with, a friend, or romance points it out to me.
I don’t say this to brag, nor to impress you… But only to impress upon you what is possible and the high quality of life, freedom, and enjoyment you can have when you have your own membership based coaching or consulting business that runs on auto-pilot for you.
I’m absolutely certain you can have the same thing too!
I know this might sound too good to be true for you, but this is real. Its what’s easily and realistically possible when you use smart business and systems.
After all, business was set up so that when done right you can live the dream! If you are a employee you your business without a reliable continuity income that works without you, you can’t live the promised dream.
The reality is, this is currently working for hundreds of coaches and consultants like you that I’ve personally helped.
Let me ask you some quick questions…
Do you own a ‘real’ coaching or consulting business or a job?
You might think you do, but consider this:
Can you walk away from your business for the next 5 years and have 6-7 figures or more coming in without you needing to do anything, without you needing to perform any task, without you needing to manage anything, or work with any clients?
Are you working ‘in’ your business instead of ‘on’ your business?
Do you have a predictable, reliable, consistent 6-7 figure income coming in every year, without fail, even if you travel all year, live on a tropical island with no internet, and have no employees?
Do you have to trade ‘hours-for-dollars’?
Do you have a membership business that makes you consistent, reliable, 6-7 figure income that is totally automated with your value delivery even easily automated for years at a time?
Do you know how to deliver your value at this level in less than just a few simple hours of set up?
Does this system reliably get members to get 3-5 new paying members over the long-term without fail?
If you answered ‘no’ to any of these questions, you don’t have a ‘real’ business as a coach or consultant.
Instead, you own a job. And J.O.B. stands for Just Over Broke.
Unless you own a real business, namely a automatically running membership business that is set up perfectly for your unique situation, you will never have a real business.
Because the definition of a real business means you know reliably that every month X amount of sizable money is coming in rain or shine. And you know that years down the road, if you do nothing ‘in’ your business, it runs and works so you don’t have to and with certainty you know this significant income will be coming in.
That is a real business.
Ask yourself: do you have this as a coach or consultant, right now?
If not yet. This must be your first priority above all else.
Not making another sale.
Not lead generation.
Not funnel building.
Not making a so-called high ticket sale.
Not investing in lame training programs or certifications.
Not attending speaking events or events.
Not using Linked-In, Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram.
Not wasting money in social media advertising.
Not SEO.
Not Google advertising.
Not direct mail.
Not podcasts.
Not publicity.
Not blogging.
Not content marketing.
Not chasing the next shiny-object whatever it may be.
What you need is a reliable, stable, secure, consistent income that comes in rain or shine, no matter what you do or don’t do in your business. You must be able to achieve this kind of reliable income, freedom, and certainty or you don’t have a real business.
Let me be frank:
You do not and will never have this real business without an automatically running continuity business set up in your coaching or consulting practice that gives you total lifestyle freedom and great income.
You are doomed to struggle, suffer, and live lower status for no other reason than this.
A membership business giving you this 6-7 figure or more income + total lifestyle freedom, will make you instantly live a high status lifestyle.
It’s what you lack now that if you owned it, it would completely give you lifestyle freedom and erase your money worries for good and much more.
I enjoy the results I do because I figured out and created a unique system I could use as a coach and consultant to give me total lifestyle freedom and 6-7 figures or more per year, automatically.
It took me years, and year, and years to piece this together.
It’s not secret, I’ve since helped hundreds of coaches and consultants just like you do the same thing.
The coaches and consultants lucky enough to get my help praise my name from the roof tops, and that’s for good reason. I’ve changed their lives for the better, fast.
But before I created this system, I was struggling just like you are now. I was overworked, low-paid, and frustrated… I might have been even worse off because I was also depressed, homeless for a period of time, and didn’t know where my next client or meal would come from.
That was before I created this system that quickly changed my life when I mastered it.
Like creating a jet engine, it look a lot of work. But once I created it, all the hard work was done and the scientifically reliable model was there. And by scientifically reliable I mean just that…
… if you are a coach or consultant this is reliable as aerodynamics, mathematics, and how a new luxury car drives. It has been scientifically worked out to give perfect results coach to coach, consultant to consultant.
You just need it customized for your unique situation and set up within 8-weeks and your all set.
Go retire! Have fun! Travel the world!
No more money worries.
If that doesn’t sound believable, it’s only because you haven’t got on the plane yet… similar to how if I said 200 years ago, get in a tin can, fly across the world, land safely. People would have thought you were nuts if they haven’t seen it. But today it’s ‘normal’. The same thing is now true for the coaching and consulting industry. When you use my system, you can get this result too!
You can get the same results when you use the system.
Here’s 4-easy-steps of how it works. The pieces of the process:
1) Research and data phase
2) Material creation phase
3) Optimization phase
4) Rollout phase
To get into a bit more details on each of the 4 vital phases:
Phase 1: Research phase.
This is where all the data is collected on your niche, market, offering, opportunities, clients hot buttons, best niches to target, best value propositions, and the best thing you should be offering in an online monthly membership long-term.
This is broken down to be the simplest, sustainable, and easy possible. Many coaches and consultants think this is the hard part, but it’s easy actually.
And much more data.
From this rich research data, we’ll know how to best move forward for you into phase 2.
Phase 2: Material creation phase.
This is the phase where your materials should be created based on the rich database and strategic direction taken from it.
All strategic decisions should be based on data.
And from there, all communications, branding, tools, tactics, action plans etc…
…the key is fitting this into the proven framework and system I’ve developed for coaches and consultants that has been proven, tried-tested-and refined in the fire, battle tested to win again-and-again for you.
From fitting the research and strategic unique communication developed for you from this, into the unique and only proven system in the world for coaches and consultants that I created, you are on the sure-fire path of great results.
Basically, we take the proven Jet airplane but paint it with your name on it so it’s unique to you and all your members.
Phase 3: Optimization phase.
Here is where your system now needs to be tested. From the research data usually a few niches will be uncovered along with all their relevant and unique data.
Since the materials are all created and fit into the system, we can now test them all by doing an optimization campaign. A short, little online campaign to quickly test and see the results.
Based on which one performed the best… is the winning race-horse, we pick that to base your launch campaign on for the next 8-weeks.
We now know with pin-point accuracy where your sales are, conversions are, performance metrics, and what opportunity in messaging the market most responds to.
We also know you are going to have a huge success 500-1,000 members within 8-weeks at the $97-$297 monthly membership per month price range.
We now know, that with no loss at all, no advertising loss, just pure profits on all acquisition of members, you will have a huge success with zero risk at all moving forward in your campaign that is managed day-by-day to ensure its success and same results throughout the full campaign.
This is called scientific advertising.
Trackable, traceable, accountable marketing that gets you winning results. Are you starting to see the light? Good.
This is how effective professional campaigns work.
Phase 4: Rollout Campaign
This is where it’s all said-and-done over an 8-week launch period.
The goal, when all the research, material creation, and testing has been optimized should be to get you at least 500-1,000 members for your online membership business in your coaching or consulting practice.
It should have all been established and proven during the testing and optimization phase.
With absolute certainty the campaign should be able to be rolled out with expectant result.
Once the campaign runs its course, the benchmark of success is the 500-1,000 or more members acquired.
Remember, this small amount of members at the lowest-end of the average customer members and lowest-end of the price range at 500 members at $97 each is $48,500 per month, month-after-month for all the future months. $582,000 per year, year-after-year.
Automatically. Recurring. Passive income.
This isn’t a pipedream. This is real, actionable, provable, realistic, achievable, profitable, honest, transparent, powerful, effective, scientific, trackable, reliable, accountable marketing campaigns that work for coaches and consultants when used with my system developed specifically for you, the coach or consultant.
This should be your #1 priority.
Right now, stop all else you are doing in your coaching or consulting business and prioritize getting this up and running before you do anything else.
I’d even go as far as saying you should even fire all your current clients so you can free up your time, and just get this up. You’ll make a lot more money back later anyway. It can all be up within 8-weeks and making you this kind of higher status, lifestyle freedom, 6-7 figure or more income.
If you have been struggling as a coach or consultant for a few years, a decade, or even decades. The time to change everything around is now.
I promise you, you’ll be very happy when you do.
And I’m here to help you, and make sure you don’t make any of the most deadly and common mistakes.
The deadly mistakes to be avoided are:
1) DIY - Doing it yourself without a proven experts help. That’s like trying to perform heart-surgery on yourself after reading a training manual on how to perform heart surgery – it will just make a big mess. This is the deadliest mistake.
2) Trying to reinvent the wheel (I spent years and years inventing the only proven system. If the wheel is already created, you just need to use it right? Yes. And remember that pioneers come back with arrows in their backs).
3) Not reaching out for professional help for your specific market. You don’t need a general solution. It won’t work well and it will cause more frustration than not. You need to have a specialist solution for only coaches and consultants.
4) Not being willing to invest in the best. This is self-explanatory. You need what you pay for.
5) Doubt. Not believing it’s possible for you too. No matter your coaching or consulting niche, service, value offering. This will work for you. Your business is no different.
6) Don’t do slow. You should be able to have a 6-7 figure membership business in 8-weeks. If you try to go slow, you’ll never pick up momentum and achieve the level of a self-sustaining business that grows organically and has ‘lifestyle freedom’ 6-7 profits coming in. Going slow is just discouraging, and especially if you don’t have the right strategies, methods, and tactics all in place customized for your unique situation.
If you avoid these common deadly mistakes that kill your chance of higher status income, success, and lifestyle freedom in your coaching or consulting business, you’ll be able to quickly and easily own a ‘real’ business without any dangerous failures, wasted time, and frustrations.
Instead, you’ll be enjoying the highlife and living life on your terms, with total lifestyle freedom, enjoyment and a sense of accomplishment and success you’ll be very happy about. Plus, your friends and family will be proud of you too.
I can’t tell you how many coaches and consultants I’ve helped achieve this within 8-weeks told me they retired their spouse. Many have told me it’s the happiest day of their lives.
I can promise you.
I’m here for you. I understand you. I know you. I’ve been in your shoes. I’ve struggled. I’ve felt hopeless. And I’ve overcame.
In good faith, if you extend your hand to put it safely, warmly, and firmly in mine, I won’t ever let you down. I will be able to make you free.
Right now, I urge you to do all you can to prioritize getting up your own membership business in your coaching and consulting business so you have actually own a real business that brings you in reliable 6-7 figures or more per year, automatically, while you truly enjoy a lifestyle of total freedom and escape the modern day slavery trap. It’s more than possible for you too!
Andrew Sonctranm is the world renown expert on 6-7 figure automated coaching and consulting business creation. Creator of the ‘Escape Modern Day Slavery’ system for coaches and consultants. You can get a gift of the full system and FREE complete customized 6-7 figure automated coaching or consulting business roadmap totally customized to your unique business, situation, or idea here:
There is a lot of FAKE NEWS today.
I love the TRUTH and believe in letting only the FACTS and TRUTH speak for itself as it creates justice by itself.
And In This Case, Free You From Modern Day Slavery
I've decided to not sue Tim - though my team of lawyers wanted sue him for Libel, Slander, and Defamation and claimed they could easily win against Slimy Lyin Tim.
I decided not to do sue him, but instead to make an example of him here with TRUTH and FACTS, and ONLY THE TRUTH.
FACT 1: I have never worked with Tim Brownson, nor has he ever worked with me in any way.
He has zero experience working with me. But he likes to make negative advertising false claims about a person he sees as a competitor because I help coaches escape modern day slavery and he does the opposite, he is threatened by my truth, and he narcissistically tries to gain attention not caring about how it might impact others or clients.
FACT 2: I Have never talked to Tim Brownson, nor has he ever talked with me. He claims we've talked, or I emailed him, or called him. This is a lie.
No one has even heard of Tim Brownson before he started a negative advertising campaign about me to try to get more attention by using my name. Its a lame way to try to get awareness but he is that kind of slimy individual.
FACT 3: My clients are happy clients who I go out of my way to make happy, treat like family, and help achieve their goals. All of my clients say they gained way more from me than working with any other coach or consultant and many of my clients have worked with 20 or more other coaches and consultants so this says a lot. My goal is to make you family for life and make you fall in love. I do that through helping you and going the extra mile to ensure your happiness as best I can. Even when I'm busy with other businesses I run, I always make time to help my clients succeed in a way no one else can.
FACT 4: He uses the common SEO-SCAM with my name (and other successful coaches and consultants names) to scam to try to get attention for himself with negative advertising. FACT is I've never worked nor talked to Tim Brownson, and I've never scammed anyone my whole life. I work hard to help my clients and get them to where they want to be.
FACT 5: He is saying my marketing is to con other coaches. FACT: I see no one conning others except Tim Brownson and also tries to enslave your in what I call modern day slavery. I'm totally against that. That's the real con that he's selling you something that is lame, old, and enslaves you to trade-hours-for-dollars the rest of your life.
FACT 6: He claims he's trying to expose me and my organizations that I founded and sit on the board of directors for 'ScamFighters' and The Ethical Coaching Association, and he's trying to discredit it because it showcases Tim Brownson and his scams and deceptive and unethical coaching industry practices. He is just a scared scammer who feels backed into a corner and is fighting with all he has to try to survive.
FACT 7: showcases his types of common social media and SEO authority site scams, where he uses SEO to target competitors, and past clients with negative advertising to get attention from other more successful coaches, and to silence and intimidate all the many people who have bad experiences with him. Our watchdog organization has received many complaints about Tim Brownson. He has tried to discredit our organization too because it has been showcasing his dirty scams for years. People who reported Tim were past clients of his he ripped off, scammed, and threatened and intimidated. Ironically, this was never reported before Tim started posting about me and us. These clients who followed his threads came to report him this way.
FACT 8: It is tracked, proven, and recorded that Tim has created hundreds of fake social media profiles on his forums, others forums, and social media platforms. This is a common scam you can read about on His past posts were actually taken down and banned by moderators on some of these sites. He then changed strategies and opened up his own forum so he can't be banned and post whatever negative advertising he wants to get attention at the expense of others.
FACT 9: He uses his hundreds of fake profiles on social media to trick, manipulate, and create false social proof around what he does. Unfortunately, these profiles people think are real people. He works hard to create fake profiles and websites that look legitimate. Hundreds of them are literally fake. This is part of his online strategy when you become aware of him and go into his manipulative world. FACT is this is all tracked, recorded, and proven.
FACT 10: He fraudulently threatened me with police, criminal charges, government threats and the like if I said anything negative about him in an email he sent my virtual assistant.
The fact is, this is common practice for him to threaten like this, and if he does go to the police or any agency, he will drag himself into a place he doesn't want to be which is police becoming aware of his scams. He also doesn't seem to know the difference between civil and criminal - but he will threaten any way he can. It shows he feels like a doberman dog backed into a corner and is trying to do all he can to stay alive, but he's really weak. Now, I love animals and have 3 dogs that love me and I love with all my heart. They are great pets. But people who own dobermans and pitbulls and other types of dogs that are banned from many cities today has been for a good reason, and studies have proven the profile of a person who owns such a type of dog has been proven to be a certain type of low class individual. There is research on this. Why do you think those are the most common dogs with criminals and low income gettos? Since you are smart, you can put 2 and 2 together to equal 4.
FACT 11: Tim reports being an alcoholic. It is interesting to see him acting out here instead of getting therapy and the help he needs. He lives a terrible life by choice on this planet.
FACT 12: He says I threatened him physically. This is another lie. I never talked to him nor would I ever threaten anyone physically. This is just a weird lie. Likely an alcoholic fueld fantasy. I wouldn't be surprised if he made of fake emails or whatever seeing he has hundreds of fake profiles he uses to scam people on social media. This is why I wrote the Anti-Social Media Manifesto - to avoid scammers like Tim and their dirty tricks.
FACT 13: He urges everyone to delete any email from me or communication. I'm happy my clients look forward to my emails and communications and see through Tim's scams.
FACT 14: He wrote "I have no doubt he’ll come after me again because that’s the kind of person he is, but I’m fucked if he’s going to intimidate me." FACT: I never even thought of this loser more than 2 minutes when it was reported to me he was doing all this to get attention, and I had my dedicated virtual assistant take care of anything online. After 7 months and helping many clients, he suddenly comes back on the scene using a new SEO trick and his own forum he opened up 5 months ago, to try to get attention from my customers again. It is pathetic. The first thing he writes is "I have no doubt he’ll come after me again because that’s the kind of person he is, but I’m fucked if he’s going to intimidate me." FACT: this is pure projection and shows the level of insanity he's coming from. He's coming from a very dark corner of the internet. I have zero intentions to "come after him" whatever that paranoid delusion is! It definitely shows he has something to hide and he's trying to protect himself from something he sees in his life as very vulnerable. Maybe criminal activity? I'll let you decide dear reader. As for me, I don't want anything to do with this deluded individual.
FACT 15: He's an online bully that is for sure. I've never even come close to experiencing the crazy that is Tim Brownson. I feel bad for anyone who has had to deal with him in the past. What a way to go through the world.
FACT 16: The picture on our organizations website, we have permission for all pictures. He for some deluded reason is trying to say we don't have proper attribution. This is done to try to 'discredit' our scam fighting organization that is set up to serve and protect the coaching and consulting industry. FACT is: It's a big failure on his part and makes him look like the obvious desperate scammer that he is.
FACT 17: We have screen capture pictures of all Slimy Lyin Tim's posts he made on Reddit about me before his account and posts at the time was removed and banned by moderators. He created his own forum to have more 'control and power' over others and so he can't be banned now.
FACT 18: Tim Brownson was recorded by the company to have created multiple fake accounts from his exact same IP address. Likely in a drunken stupor he forgot to connect to his VPN to hide his IP address, but the moderators of the company platforms saw it and took down his fake posts.
FACT 19: In posts he made about me, he called me racist names, threatened to harm me, talked in dehumanizing ways of me to justify his mental delusions and self-made up 'fight' he is in (I have never engaged with him 1X and I will not except this post to warn other coaches and my clients or him and so they can make sense of Slimy Lyin Tim). And much more.
FACT 20: He's an Axis-2 personality disordered individual. A psychologist reviewed his websites, content, emails, forums posts and videos and was able to diagnose him a OBVIOUS Cluster-B 'unstable, erratic, dramatic, chaotic, aggressive, manipulative' family of personality disorders antisocial, narcissistic traits showing lack of empathy, lack of remorse, manipulative, controlling, power seeking social behavior and all the associated Cluster-B traits.
This unstable personality disorder is to be expected with people who consider themselves alcoholics or had problems with alcoholism (they make it public to try to manipulate others) ever in their lives as studies show over 80% of people who ever had alcoholism also have Anti-Social Personality Disorder. They never seek therapy for their manipulative and oppressive ways unless their poor partner threatens to divorce them if they don't get help. Interestingly, they eventually ruin most people lives, and severely harm those in some way they come into contact with either socially, mentally, physically, or financially.
Fact 21: I've never used online forums or social media or any means, and never communicated with Tim in any way. My virtual assistant made records of him thinking many negative posts he was getting on there for his Slimy behaviour and past clients that were coming out against him, were me. This paranoia is laughable. All my clients know I never even touch social media and I've not for over 15 years. I won't touch it either. This document is my ONLY official statement about Lyin Tim and I have not nor will I ever communicate with him in any way. I’m busy serving happy clients and living a life with total freedom to ever engage in a fraudsters web of manipulation. I’d like him to keep it all going now because many of his frustrated and unhappy clients have come to me with complaints and some have become happy clients now. He is an easy and perfect example to showcase and help the community of coaches against his common scams.
FACT 22: Tim has shown he works day and night to create credible fake accounts and profiles on all types of social media and online platforms to give himself false credibility. Be careful of such an individual and learn how to discern such fraudulent behaviour. Unfortunately, today, with such aggressive and comprehensive tactics scammers like Tim Brownson like to deploy, it can be hard to impossible to tell what is true or false. I will encourage you to not be sucked into the all to common social media scams, private facebook group scams, and forums and SEO strategies this con artist likes to use.
Tim uses SEO for negative advertising campaigns to manipulate, coarse, control and exert power over others and gain attention from potential customers.
Everyone knows my stance of such evil practices. It is people like Tim why I don’t use social media, don’t use SEO tactics, and just have good relationships with my clients using my unique system. That way I have a thriving business no one can hurt, and I bypass the sickness that these scammers and fake news propagandist bring into the world. I wish the same for you friend. And it’s possible…
You can say no to their fake news agendas, lies, manipulations and fraud. But it takes you first saying NO to all that…
Then having a good plan to bypass all of it and do even better in your business than ever before – that’s where I come in as that is my specialty.
And with that dear coach and consultant, I'll leave you to your own due diligence of this scammer Tim Brownson.
I let my work, happy clients, and dedication to your success speak for itself.
I believe in making this world a more better place to live, and don't wish to engage in anyone's negativity or insanity. I believe in spreading love and light and my goal as we work together, you are far better off than before we met.
I look forward to helping you escape modern day slavery and enjoying a lifestyle of total freedom!
This isn't a pipe dream. It's just real, honest, modern strategies I've developed and that work for coaches and consultants just like you.
As for Slimy Lyin Tim, I truly hope he finds happiness in this world. Seeks mental health help and tries to recover and live a healthier existence while on this little planet.
With the TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH, honesty, love and respect,
Andrew Sonctranm
PS The below has more details to help you understand this sad character and help you make up your mind about Slimy Lyin Tim and those like him. It’s easy to use Slimy Tim as an case study of the typical scammer in the coaching industry because so many are just like him. That is why I can just showcase his example, and you know what to look for to stay safe when hiring any coach or consultant to help you.
PPS An final note:
Dear coach or consultant wanting to escape modern day slavery,
Trading-hours-for-dollars, and doing old, tired, lame business practices and deceptive social media, forums, and online SEO can take 30-60 hours per week of your life away, month-after-month, year-after-year. It's not a smart way to run a coaching or consulting business today.
Even worse, if there is a pandemic, recession, or depression your income totally stops.
It's slow, frustrating, and lame too and keeps you always on the rat-race treadmill.
There is a very insignificant and very low-level competitor named Tim Brownson who only teaches these old methods that make you a Modern Day Slave to your coaching practice. Tim Brownson says in many of his posts found online that if you aren't willing to work at least 30-60+ hours per week day-after-day using all his lame, frustrating, old, outdated, and negative advertising way, 'nothing' will work for you. This is total bullshit.
Tim is a liar and fraud who preys on newbies coaches and consultants who mean well, but don't know any better.
My goal for the last 15 years has been to help coaches and consultants like you become totally immune to any pandemic, recession or depression, and also allow you to start enjoying life more with total lifestyle freedom while you help more people and have more positive impact than ever before.
With my help you get to enjoy total lifestyle freedom from enjoy a monthly membership leg of your business totally freeing you from ever needing to work 1:1 again (unless you want to) were your clients automatically pay you monthly for your knowledge.
For the last 15 years, my system has rocked a lot of ugly boats in the coaching and consulting industry because I'm liberating you from ugly, old, tired, frustrating and ineffective methods scammers like Slimy Tim Brownson teach.
FACT: My system is proven and has worked for countless coaches just like you for over 15 years.
(Most experienced coaches can see through his foolishness and negative advertising strategies online, but this is mainly for coaches who don't know any better and can be tricked by Tim Brownson's fake new, negative advertising strategies, his proven hundreds of fake social media profiles where he pretends to be a satisfied or supportive voice of his in his facebook groups and forums etc... he tries to fraudulently discredit, intimidate, and threaten behind the scenes the real honest authorities and organizations that call him out for his frauds and more which we'll get into soon below).
This Public Announcement is a notice of an unsavory online "competitor" named Tim Brownson (though I don't see him as competition. His business is actually about making you work endless hours per week for years on end to try to acquire customers the old fashion way. I'm not into that. I believe in using modern day 21st century technologies and smarter systems to help coaches in the best way known today.
I've been named the world leader in automated business creation for coaches and consultants for a reason!
This public service announcement is name is Tim Brownson. As you look at his picture, see him talk, the best name for him is Slimy Lyin Tim. You can see it on everything he does.
He created a new website that online records who has been around for only 1 year at the publication of this article.
The reason for his new website is a new manipulation and his old websites based on what he said in found online posts and blog posts are him claiming it was hard to make any money for him at all in the coaching industry. He was going out of business. And he was desperately trying to sell his fraud 'authority' site for less than $5,000. No one bought it. But it is well known, anyone can buy a 'authority' site like his for less than $500 online, as it allows them to get easy SEO rankings, and pretend they have 'authority' which is just a fraud and trick only newbies might not know about and fall for.
Most of his activity online is geared towards creating this fraud. A fraudulent perception of authority to try to swindle unexpecting newbies into becoming Modern Day Slaves in their coaching business - then blaming his victims when it doesn't work out and they are unhappy with those long, old, lame, tired, frustrating, and life draining manual labor intensive ways or 'trying' to get 1:1 clients. It's pathetic.
Misrepresenting he calls himself a 'fully booked coach' to lie to newbies so they might work with him.
It has been recorded, proven, and tracked that he has created hundreds of fake profiles online, fake social media profiles, fake forum profiles - filling them out with websites, pictures, and emails to make them look legitimate. This is to trick newbies and intimidate others. It's all a fraud.
He's skilled in SEO and desperately tries to use this technique to chase new coaches by using Google SEO and Search Engine Optimization in general to create negative reviews of competitors, silence clients who aren't getting good results from his methods, and tips and technique articles to try to make him "appear" like an "authority" (Slimy Lyin Tim is not an authority, unless you call an authority someone who will make you be a modern day slave to your coaching business).
He saw some of my marketing one day about modern day slavery, and what I help coaches to is EXACTLY the opposite of what he teaches coaches and consultants to do. Lyin Tim teaches coaches how to become modern day slaves to their businesses. Period.
I teach you the opposite. Namely, I take you by the hand and show you how to escape modern day slavery for good.
He got very scared and threatened at my message because what I stand for puts all he does into the 'modern day slavery category' and to him that is threatening his income.
It's sad to have to deal with people like this today, but this is the reality of the internet and the reality when you are a very big influence and help the a lot of people, small and insignificant "competitors" try to use negative advertising strategies he's doing to create controversy and conflict to try to get attention when coaches and consultants search for me. He hopes to get customers this way. That's Slimy Tim's lame strategy. If you want him to coach you to be like him, we're not a good match, and I wish you farewell!
If you are a coach or consultant who has a higher mission and believes in making an actual positive impact, a positive difference while on this planet, spreading love and light - then I can help you do that and allow you to totally escape from modern day slavery at the same time, giving you total lifestyle freedom.
And with that dear coach and consultant, I'll leave you to your own due diligence of this scammer Tim Brownson and you know what to look out for regarding any coach you hire from now on.
I let my work, happy clients, and dedication to your success speak for itself.
I believe in making this world a more better place to live, and don't wish to engage in anyone's negativity or insanity. I believe in spreading love and light and my goal as we work together, you are far better off than before we met.
I look forward to helping you escape modern day slavery and enjoying a lifestyle of total freedom!
This isn't a pipe dream. It's just real, honest, modern strategies I've developed and that work for coaches and consultants just like you.
As for Slimy Lyin Tim, I truly hope he finds happiness in this world. Seeks mental health help and tries to recover and live a healthier existence while on this little planet.
With the TRUTH and nothing but the TRUTH, honesty, love and respect,
Andrew Sonctranm
“The World Renown Leader In 6-7 Figure Automated Coaching Business Creation”
Join over 139,000 subscribers who are coaches and consultants getting the best automation strategies, advice, and tips on the planet.