Andrew Sonctranm is the creator of the #1 and only automated 6-7 figure business creation system for coaches and consultants that can give you 6-7 figures or more passively, let's you help more people, and gives you total lifestyle freedom in just 8-weeks from launching. Over the last 15 years, he's helped thousands of coaches and consultants own successful automated 6-7 figure businesses.
He is the most sought after automation business creation expert for coaches and consultants on the planet.
TIME: Wednesday, 9:17am
Are you a victim of modern day slavery working more than a 10 hour work week as a coach?
Here are the symptoms of modern day slavery (check all that apply):
-working more than 10 hours per week
-having to ‘be’ somewhere
-having to speak or do events
-having to travel for business instead of pure pleasure
-not able to up and leave, travel, do whatever you want over the next 1 year without any loss of income
-your income is tapped out at $250,000 and you can’t seem to double, triple or quadruple this with your current system
-you lack free time
-you have stress
-you have money worries
-you aren’t able to live a retirement lifestyle and grow your income
-you aren’t leveraging the technology that gives you a no-hour-work-week
Did you find yourself in even 1? Then you are suffering from the modern day slavery trap.
It was summer in California and I was dressed in a suit and tie working my ass off in the scorching heat. It wasn’t all bad. Not like it was actual manual labor like digging ditches or anything… I was a coach and consultant.
I just got out of a long meeting with clients at a company I had a contract with and was well paid. Very well paid.
The problem is, I was working as a modern day slave and couldn’t just stop everything, go to the beach, travel and do whatever I wanted.
I was working over 40 hours per week.
When I got out to my big red shiny truck, I hopped in and saw a young couple holding hands and enjoying the weahter in shorts and sandals. It struck me right then and there… I don’t want to live my life this way. I want freedom and income.
I wondered if I could make just as much money, 7-figures at the time, while being free to live anywhere, travel, and never wear a suit or tie and never talk to anyone again.
This sent me on a 3-year journey where I quit my business and invested in coaching, consultants, and internet marketing experts that eventually I learned how to achieve my goal.
The process allowed me to perfect a no-hour-work-week system as a coach, help a lot of people, and make just as much money as I did before without lacking any freedom.
I traveled the world over 10 years full time doing so. And until recently, I only did it with myself. I never thought of helping other coaches use my system, but by accident, I helped a few friends of mine who were coaches and they applied my system and it gave them the no-hour-work-week while they make even more money working than when they worked 60 hour weeks.
I was reluctant to help others though and didn’t want to in the beginning because I wanted my system to remain secret and be just for me. I felt special I guess and did all the hard work to put it together so didn’t want others to have it so easy I guess. Well, I started to think about how I can give back, and…
They told me I should help other coaches as my system can be easily applied to all coaches. Because of their success using my system and them encouraging me to help other coaches, I finally decided to do that.
The result is now for the first time ever, other coaches can use my system to live a no-hour-work-week while they make just as much, or more more.
In short, this allows you to escape the modern day slavery trap. It gives you true success by giving you income growth and freedom.
You need both to escape the modern day slavery trap.
I give you the full details of the system when you register for the webinar training here: How Coaches Are Escaping Modern Day Slavery
This webinar will open your eyes to the technology advances that allow any coach to live the no-hour-work-week and grow your income without losing freedom.
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Andrew Sonctranm
“The World Renown Leader In 6-7 Figure Automated Membership Coaching Business Creation”
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